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Home » SHOE Updates: Removal of Digital Skeletons and Server Issues

SHOE Updates: Removal of Digital Skeletons and Server Issues

Dear all, SHOE is built on trust, integrity and commitment. It is very important to us to always keep you informed about what is going on in SHOElalalalaaaland. So therefore, we have another update for you concerning "Removal of Digital Skeletons and Server Issues".

SHOE Updates: Removal of Digital Skeletons and Server IssuesRemoval of Digital Skeletons

A short while ago we have started implementing our concept of removing digital skeletons as we like to call them. SHOE is now over 14 years old and there's a LOT of data no-one is interested in anymore. From unused profiles to ancient messages in the forum. From classifieds from the age of dinosaurs to ... well anything old really ;-)

Up until now it has pained us in a lot of ways to part from this old data because it is part of the SHOE history. An amazing open book about the life of the very first lesbian online community in the world and it's users BUT as with anything in life: Old, unused stuff can become a burden and we need to let go ;-)

Today we can happily say, that we are ready for a new, slimmer and therefore more up-to-date SHOE! This is an ongoing process and we will implement new steps in order to keep SHOE up-to-date at any stage in the future. Join us on our new path without digital skeletons *gg*

It actually feels good! Today for instance we have deleted this in the forum:

Deleted Messages: 17396
Deleted Threads: 3707*

* Includes Threads with only 2 posts where the first post user has deleted herself.

Server Issues

As many of you have noticed, SHOE has gone down once too often in the last couple of weeks. Twice it was the fault of our Internet Provider (DOS Server Attack and Electricity Outage) and the other couple of times it was our Server. So far, we have not managed to find it's fault.

This is why we will take SHOE down (probably next week) for a good few hours in order to run all the necessary tests and hopefully resolve the problem which is causing SHOE to crash once and for all.

We know we are stretching your patience but thank you for your support!

Let us know if you have any questions.

Best wishes and thank you all, for being a part of SHOE and making this virtual space so warm and friendly :-)

Your SHOE-Team
:: NEKA inside ::

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